Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks (including self-tanners, tanning bed, and spray tans) – always use a minimum of SPF 50, and reapply every 2 hours
Avoid topical and oral antibiotics, steroids, retinoids (Retin- A), hydroquinone, benzoyl peroxide, alpha or beta hydroxyl acids (glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc.), and exfoliates for a minimum of 3 days prior to procedure
Discontinue use of Accutane for 6 months
No laser or skin treatment procedures 2-4 weeks prior
Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks (including self-tanners, tanning bed, and spray tans) – always use a minimum of SPF 50, reapply every 2 hours
Do not pick, or scratch area
Keep skin hydrated (Hyaluronic Acid is strongly recommended) the area 5-7 days prior to treatment.
Follow proper home care instructions customized by your technician
Ice if needed
Avoid topical and oral antibiotics, retinoids, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide, alpha or beta hydroxyl acids (glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc.), and exfoliate for a minimum of 2 days prior to procedure
Exfoliate one week after treatment to help speed up the hair removal process
Application of makeup is permissible after heat and redness have subsided
Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks (including self-tanners, tanning bed, and spray tans) – always use a minimum of SPF 50, reapply every 2 hours
Do not pick, or scratch area
Keep skin hydrated (Hyaluronic Acid is strongly recommended) the area 5-7 days prior to treatment.
Follow proper home care instructions customized by your technician
Avoid strenuous exercise, sweating, saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, and hot showers for 24-48 hours